Every person can develop skin cancer, but the risk of getting the disease is not the same for everyone. The risk of skin cancer is influenced by genetic factors, the amount of exposure to ultraviolet light (e.g., from the sun), as well as the intake of certain medications.
Skin cancer is very common in Switzerland. Compared to 40 European countries, Switzerland ranks at the top in terms of skin cancer cases, following Australia and New Zealand at the global level. Excessive UV radiation, whether at work or during outdoor leisure activities, is the main cause of skin cancer.
A skin cancer screening examination takes about 20 minutes. We check suspicious skin changes with the dermatoscope. We take pictures of conspicuous skin changes and make biopsies for examination in the laboratory.
The skin problems of the youngest patients are partly different from those of adults. The skin is more sensitive and the child's immune system is not yet fully developed. The therapies must be adapted to the more sensitive skin.
It is particularly important for us to respond to the child and explain everything in an age-appropriate way. We benefit from the experience of our entire team in dealing with the youngest. In addition, we undergo further training in paediatric dermatology every year.
Acne, like rosacea, is one of the most common skin conditions among adolescents and adults. Acne is a skin disease caused by clogged pores and inflammation in the skin. It usually appears on the face, back, and chest. The symptoms of acne include pimples, blackheads, papules (small red bumps), and pustules (pimples filled with pus). Acne can be triggered by hormonal changes, genetics, stress, and certain foods.
For acne, there are different treatment options such as special cleansers, creams and medicines. With these different options, we can treat all degrees of acne satisfactorily.
Rosacea, like acne, is one of the most common skin conditions among adolescents and adults. Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder characterized by facial redness, visible blood vessels, and pimples. Rosacea usually appears in middle-aged individuals and can be triggered by genetic factors, sun exposure, alcohol consumption, and certain foods.
There is no cure for rosacea, but we know of effective treatments with creams and antibiotics to reduce symptoms.
Psoriasis is characterized by inflamed, thickened and scaly patches of skin. The immune system in people with psoriasis overreacts to otherwise normal stimuli, resulting in accelerated production of skin cells. The disease can occur in various forms, which may differ in appearance, severity, and location. Worldwide, about 2% of all people suffer from it. Psoriasis is associated with overproduction of skin cells as well as inflammation. It usually appears as red, scaly patches on the skin that may itch or hurt. Psoriasis can be triggered by genetic factors, stress, injury to the skin, or certain medications.
The treatment of psoriasis aims to relieve symptoms, reduce inflammation and control the course of the disease. A cure is not yet possible. This may include topical creams, UV light therapy, systemic medications, or so-called modern biologics (injections), depending on the severity and individual case. Comprehensive management may also include lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, stress management and skin care.
It is important for us to find an individually adapted treatment strategy with you, depending on the severity of the disease, in order to improve your well-being and quality of life.
Eczema manifests itself as itchy redness, which can be acute or chronic. Eczema is not contagious. The most common eczema is atopic eczema, also known as neurodermatitis. It affects about 10 to 20% of children and 1 to 3% of adults worldwide. Other types of eczema such as allergic contact dermatitis (occurs delayed after skin contact with allergenic substances) and seborrheic eczema (scaly eczema on the head) are also very common. Eczema is often due to genes, environment and individual lifestyle. Therefore, the risk may vary from person to person.
The treatment of eczema aims to reduce inflammation, relieve itching and strengthen the skin barrier. This can be achieved by topical creams, ointments or lotions containing anti-inflammatory or moisturizing agents. In more severe cases, we may resort to light therapies or to systemic medications (tablets or injections).
An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to normally harmless substances such as food, pollen, animal dander, or dust. Symptoms can include sneezing, skin rash, swelling, difficulty breathing, or anaphylaxis (a systemic reaction affecting the whole body). Allergies can be caused by genetics, the environment, and individual lifestyle.
We clarify what you are allergic to and try to find the cause if possible. Based on this, we work out the optimal treatment for you. It is important to avoid the trigger whenever possible. Generally speaking, our treatment may include the administration of antihistamines, adrenaline or hyposensitization, a so-called immunotherapy.
Nail or hair disorders can occur in isolation, but they can also be a symptom of another skin condition. Hair loss or excessive hair growth are particularly common. Normally, a person loses 50 to 100 hairs per day, which goes unnoticed as new hairs constantly grow back.
However, if hair does not regrow, hair loss can become distressing.
The hair growth cycle goes through three phases: the growth phase, the transition phase, and the resting phase. During the growth phase of the hair (anagen phase), a new hair root forms, and the hair increases in length. In the transition phase (catagen phase), hair growth stops, and the hair becomes detached from the hair root, which typically takes a few weeks. In the resting phase (telogen phase), the hair rests and eventually sheds, usually taking several months. After that, the cycle starts anew with the growth of new hair from the same follicle.
In anagen hair loss, hair follicles die due to disturbances in the growth cycle. The cause may be hormonal changes, diseases or certain medications. Unlike normal hair loss, where hair falls out gradually, anagen hair loss occurs suddenly and can lead to bald patches on the scalp.
In telogen hair loss, the hairs come loose early in the final phase of the hair cycle. This can be caused by stress, hormonal changes, serious illness or surgery, and certain medications. Unlike anagen hair loss, where hair falls out abruptly, telogen hair loss occurs gradually and can lead to diffuse thinning of the hair.
The task of us doctors is to clarify the cause correctly in order to find the exact diagnosis and thus initiate the right treatment. For this purpose, a tissue sample must sometimes be taken from the scalp of the affected area and examined.
Once the cause is clear, we will prescribe the appropriate tinctures, shampoos or even tablets to stop your hair loss.
Venereology is the medical specialty that deals with sexually transmitted diseases in both men and women. This includes, for example, the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infections such as HIV / AIDS, syphilis,chlamydia, HPV, gonorrhea and genital herpes. Venereology is closely related to other medical disciplines such as immunology and infectiology and plays an important role in public health.
Don't be afraid to discuss your problem with one of our experienced doctors. The sooner you come to us, the better we can help you.
09:00 – 11:00 Uhr
13:30 – 16:00 Uhr
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